• <sup id="qywmj"></sup>

      <button id="qywmj"><table id="qywmj"><output id="qywmj"></output></table></button>

        <button id="qywmj"><meter id="qywmj"><rt id="qywmj"></rt></meter></button>

        1. <button id="qywmj"><meter id="qywmj"><output id="qywmj"></output></meter></button>

                <button id="qywmj"><meter id="qywmj"></meter></button>
              1. 新聞中心

                NEWS CENTER

                Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri(Eid Al Fitr 2023)

                2023 12 05HR Management Office

                Ye Chiu Group sees festivals as an opportunities to engage employees in a proactive and incremental way. We hope that a small celebration can make the company environment even more positive and employees feel more connected to each other & the organization.

                Selamat Hari Raya!

              2. <sup id="qywmj"></sup>

                  <button id="qywmj"><table id="qywmj"><output id="qywmj"></output></table></button>

                    <button id="qywmj"><meter id="qywmj"><rt id="qywmj"></rt></meter></button>

                    1. <button id="qywmj"><meter id="qywmj"><output id="qywmj"></output></meter></button>

                            <button id="qywmj"><meter id="qywmj"></meter></button>